
What does a Fairy Garden contain?

Well it all starts with a lil bit of magic & a whole lot of LOVE. When starting a garden of any kind you want to have the best intentions as you are going to be caring for some of mother earths energy vessels! Gardens have a way of giving back to everyone involved, whether it be through the most obvious being the food we ingest, or the vitamin D we get from tending to the outdoor plants, or just the simple feeling of accomplishment you feel from seeing something grow under your care! I myself use gardening as a meditative practice, a way to truly ground myself and help strengthen my root chakra. The type stress relief you can feel when working in the soil is great, the act of just surrendering yourself to the dirt!
Somethings to think about when wanting to start your garden are what types of plants you want growing in it. Vegetables to eat, Herbs to brew & dry, or maybe just flowers for the bees & butterflies.
Winter is a great time to mindfully picture and plan your vision. For me I am wanting to have a good mixture of all the above! Bushes & flowers, vegetables & fruits, ivy up the front stoop, bird feeders and outdoor artwork
& Of course most of all a yard filled with lots of love.

What is your garden vision? Feel free to comment!

Chakra Gardens & Plants for each energy point

I stumbled across this interesting blog about Chakra gardening a time ago and thought I would share. It helped me start brainstorming specific plants I want to have in my garden!

I will also share this video following a British woman through her matured chakra garden she built over the course of 13 years. Though it is quite dated in video quality terms I found it rather enjoyable and quite inspirational. See map of garden at 1:18.