“The clearest way into the universe
is through a forest wilderness”
-John Muir
It all started when…
I was a child running through the acres of forest surrounding my childhood home. Talking to the trees, playing with the bees, laughing with the flowers. It was my happiest, where I felt the most connected. We tend to loose ourself growing up, going through the different stages of this so called societal life. The ups and downs, the pressures to conform to what you think you are supposed to be. If I could give you one piece of advice it would be to not let the world turn you to stone, always remember your inner child. Would they be elated with the life you have chosen? It’s never too late to find the right path.
What speaks to your soul?
For me it will always be nature & plants. It is the driving force behind my entire existence. I tie our living earth into everything I do. My jewelry is meant to bring you closer to nature, so that every time you look in the mirror you remember how our living earth connects us all. For it is our responsibility to be stewards in keeping this beautiful floating green & blue space rock alive and thriving. “There are no passengers on spaceship Earth, we are all crew.” That being said a lot of people do not know where to start in helping. It is as simple as using a reusable bag or planting trees in an area with little shade. Consciously choosing to spend your money with brands aligned with green values. Volunteering with a local charity and teaching/reminding all generations to always care more each day for every living thing.
It’s all the small steps that make the big difference.